Every time I start up this blog I have motivation, a driving force behind me, time and plenty of topics. Subtract the time aspect and everything still stands. I always start out with such fervor, then school comes along, kids have routines and the blog goes by the wayside. This time, I am committed. What is the difference you ask? Why now, America wants to know. well, the more people blog-a million new blogs everyday, the easier it gets. For instance, today I was looking for a picture of a dress that I wanted to sell online. I found a picture and clicked on it and a new option appeared...ADD THIS TO MY BLOG!! WHAT! No more copy/paste, add to clipboard, insert image? Just click and blog. Oh the simplicity. This will make my life and my blogging so much easier that I have promised myself to blog every other day for at least a month to see how it goes. I have stocked up on new products, re ordered old favs, been catching up on all the latest fashion shows, glossies and TV shows and will be blogging with a vengeance. I thought about changing the name, since I will be covering more than just faces and makeup, but Face means so much to different cultures, that I decides to keep it. Just wiki face for Asian cultures and it means dignity, self image and respect. In the good ol' US it means, well, I don't know how many kiddos are reading this, so just ask your parents to look it up. In a nutshell, be ready to be blogged out of your mind. Okay, maybe that's extreme, but just welcome me with warm, blog lovin' arms and please comment once I start dedicating hours to this project. Feedback is the technical hug. The acceptance letter if you will.Feedback means, "We have spent time reading what you have spent time writing" and it makes bloggers feel a little more redeemed in thir work. Thank you everyone. Remember, its about routine, its about finding time to do what you love, its about the reward, but most of all, its AboutFace....
tune in next time to see me write..5 second miracle blur my ass...
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